It’s always more pleasant to tell someone, “We’re happy to welcome you to our company,” than “We’re sorry, but we have decided to let you go.” Hiring and [...]
It’s impossible to overestimate the importance of personal psychology for a CEO. Running a business and managing employees can be incredibly taxing, both physically and emotionally. Because the [...]
Having a frank conversation with employees about performance can be uncomfortable for many managers, but you owe it to people on your team to share constructive feedback. Given correctly, both [...]
From the Board of Directors to corporate performance, from planning into the future to leadership development and more, a Chief Executive Officer is motivated by numerous forces. Among them is [...]
Middle management doesn’t get its due. It’s often not thought about at all, and when it is it’s because businesses are looking to cut back. Many businesses incorrectly assume [...]
There are, essentially, two different types of fishing: One way, you cast a net into the sea, pull it in, and sift through the contents for what you want. Or, you can understand the habit, [...]
One of the most overlooked quality traits in leadership is the ability to question everything. As professionals, many of us have the tendency to become complacent when we reach plateaus, but [...]
When it comes to business, everybody’s a critic. When I first began working in the advertising world over thirty years ago, I heard all sorts of advice – some good, some bad – [...]
In “Emotional Branding,” one of the keynote presentations my clients request most often, I draw on my experience as a brand consultant to demonstrate that, rather than only touting features and [...]
Professionals and laypersons alike often don’t properly distinguish between advertising, marketing, and branding in the way that a brand consultant does. They think they are synonymous terms for [...]